The Potomac Vally Irish Wolfhound Club was invited to come to the PA Celtic Fling to present our breed. We had 6 hounds there over the two days, and we were very well received.
Bill in his kilt setting up the tents.
We had lots of visitors.
A lovely lass from the Great Dane rescue came to call.
Sunday, walking through the fair before opening.
Finn was interested in this knight, until he sniffed it and realized it wasn't a person.
This little girl was fascinated with Finn's eyebrows.
Memphis had his fans as well.
Both days we were serenaded by a group of pipers.
We all had a grand time, and everyone was delighted to see the hounds.
Irish Wolfhound are a funny breed. Goofy, some would say. They have a sense of humor, and can be quite clown-like at times. But they can also be quite clever with their humor. Finn has several times pulled stunts that were obviously thought out, and which he also very obviously thought was funny.
A Facebook friend passed around a link to an Irish Wolfhound site where both the hounds and the humans are quite funny. I thought I would share the joy.
What kind of dog is that? Is he friendly? How much does he eat? How much does he poo? Does he fit in your car? Do you have a saddle for him? Is he always this sweet? Where can I get one?